Saturday, June 18, 2011


   Jacobins are a unique variety in fancy pigeons.They have feathered hood over its head which helps us to distinguish them from other pigeons.The quality of the feathered hood varies when quality of the breed varies.It is a medium sized pigeonwith body quit slender and tail.As their faces are covered by feathers,it is very rare to see their faces even by their owner.
    jacobins require special attention and care as they have a slender body and are prone to various diseases.During Breeding seasons each pair needs separate nest as they like to have some privacy.we need to treat them as individuals.Jacobins have a lifespan of 10 years,but most of them stop laying eggs after 6 years.their mating season is around is around this time that breeders will cut the hood feathers and trim feathers around the vent to allow more efficient mating. The hood is so large that it can interfere with mating.Once mated, Jacobin hens will lay two eggs and 17 days later hopefully hatch two chicks. Foster parents such as homers are usually used to hatch and raise Jacobin chicks as the Jacobin has been so developed that the beak is short and they have trouble feeding them.
  you can have a check through different types of fancy pigeons to differentiate jacobins from other breeds.