Now we know about some popular breeds of fancy pigeons.But how we recognize the original breeds of pigeons from the cross breeds? It is very important to differentiate the pure breeds from cross breeds.As a pigeon lover we should know to do it.
Here i am explaining some standards used to differentiate pure breeds of fancy pigeons.These mainly includes the explanations of body,feather characters,wings,characteristics of tail,beak,head etc.These standards are set by National pigeon Association in United Kingdom.The winners of the pigeon shows conducted by NPA is according to the following criteria.
Indian Fantail
- Judging of Indian fantail is divided into six main categories.Tail,body,stance,colour,markings and condition.By analysing these categories we can identify quality bird
- Tail:The tail of an Indian fantail should be large,full and round.There are some measurable specification also.
English pouter
- Head: The Head should be Dove shaped,small,smooth on top,fine and narrow in proportion to body.
- Eye : Eye should be Full and of mild expression.
- Globe:Proportionally large in comparison with size of bird.
- Body: Tapering like a wedge from shoulder to the end of tail,becoming very fine behind the legs,giving very slender appearance.
- Waist: Slim,tight and well-defined.
- Shoulders: Small and flat,set high and tight to the body.
- Head: Large,wide and well rounded on the top without flatness.Forehead as steep as possible.
- Eye: Large,dark,cere small and red
- Beak: Medium length,strong,flesh colored,small dark traces of pigment on the wattle are not objected to,particularly on young birds.
- Neck: Medium length,strong,slightly curved.
- Breast:Broad(wide)round and full,the better it is cultured the more value the bird.