Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Precision farming-A smarter way of farming with Modern Engineering Technologies

  We all know one thing that Precision farming is one of the latest improvement on the farming sector.It enabled us to consider farm field as an Industrial firm where each and every factor that influence the efficiency is monitored and controlled. Same way with the help of Modern Engineering Devices and Equipments,we are monitoring and controlling each and every factor that influence the production and thus efficiency is increased.As Modern technologies develop,new devices are being launched and thus more and more productivity is achieved.

 The advantages of Precision farming is not limited within productivity.It enables us to think in a smarter way and thus we can extend our farming practices to environmental friendly farming.The usages of pesticides and fertilizers can be reduced highly thus environmental pollution can be reduced successfully.We can adopt specially developed farming practices for each crop items separately.thus it enables us to think smartly.

 American farmers are getting five times more productivity compared to common Indian farmers.This is by the utilization of Precision farming technologies.In India,common farmer just relay on Monsoon for watering and not give importance on the resources like water,pesticides,fertilizers he is wasting.These things play crucial  role in the success of the farming,both economically and environmentally.In India the main issue is the fragmentation of farm land.The farm lands are scattered and owned by many persons which makes it very difficult to implement Precision farming techniques.The only solution is to form farm groups or doing corporate farming

 Now things are getting changed.Well educated new generation Indian farmers started to learn latest trends in farming and thus they are implementing  modern farming practices in their land.Such farmers are getting more benefits than other farmers.So it is time for us to change our mind and pay attention on modern technologies... 

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