Saturday, July 4, 2015

Goat Farming:Common Vaccinations given and Its Schedule

Providing vaccination against diseases is very important for successful running of a Goat farm.Diseases are very important factor which decides the success of goat farming. Immunizing goats against diseases provide you more confidence and help you to save huge amount of money which would have lost by treating diseases.Since Goats are prone to various diseases,it is very important that you understand those diseases and take preventive measures against them.Vaccinations and its schedule play major role in preventing diseases.

Common vaccinations given to Goats against various diseases are given below

  1. CDT: Given during pregnancy and 1 month old Kids to prevent Enterotoxemia and Tetanus and Booster for all.The disease Enterotoxemia is generally called as overeating disease.
  2. Pneumonia:It is given to prevent Pneumonia .Given as 2 doses
  3. Rabies:To prevent Rabies.Given annually
  4. Chlamydia:Given during pregnancy to prevent abortion
  5. Soremouth:Given annually to prevent Orf which is a viral disease common in goats.
  6. CLA(Caseous lymphadenitis):Is a Bacterial disease common in goats.It is given to 6 month old kids and booster dose given annually.

Above are the main vaccinations which prevent various diseases amongst goats.It is very important that you schedule vaccination properly.Apart from these the neatness of the farm and purity of the water and feeds given to the goats plays major role in ensuring the health of the animals.The vaccinations should be given after consulting with your veterinary doctor only.The Goats should be healthy while vaccinating and do not use expired vaccines.It is very important that you keep a record of the vaccinations you give to your animals.

Hope the above information will help you to take necessary steps to keep your Goats safe against diseases.You should keep in mind that You should consult your Veterinary doctor if you are new in this field as the dosage and procedures plays major role while vaccinating.If you have any suggestion,you can comment below which will help us to improve further...

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