Sunday, October 16, 2011

Advantages of Emu bird

  Before we think to start a business,it is very important to know each and every corner of the subject.Same way it is very important to know about Emu before we start the farm.

  Emu bird is the second largest bird in the world.The largest one is the ostrich.They belongs to ratite family and are flightless birds.They are from Australia and shipped to USA.Now they are popularizing in all parts of the world including India.


   They are flightless and are good runners.They can run at a speed of 60 Km/hour.They are friendly towards humans and becomes aggressive very rarely.They are always active and love to live as a group.

Body condition

   A mature Emu will have a height of 5 to 6 feet and weigh 90 to 120 pounds.They will have max 1 Kg food per day and have strong food conversion ratio.Emu will start to lay egg when it is above 18 months old.At that time the number of eggs may be 15 or 20,then it gradually increases as the age increases.The increased food conversion ratio and increased number of eggs are important advantages of Emu.

Disease resistance

  Their immune system is so developed that they are resistant to almost all diseases.Only some digestive problems and physical wounds are found as issues and are very common in every livestock.Their immune system makes them a less risky poultry item.

Commercial importance

  Almost all parts of Emu are used for commercial purposes.Their meat is cholesterol free.Emu oil has its own importance.Skin ,egg and nails are used for ornamental purposes.All these makes Emu a commercially important bird.

Ease of maintanance

  Rearing Emus is a less labor oriented work.There is no safety risk-as they are friendly towards humans.The only work involved is feeding them which will take only a few hours in a day.


  The infrastructure required for an Emu farm is a land covered using fence of six feet tall.A small shelter for keeping emu food will do the rest.So less infrastructure required for Emu bird compared to other poultry livestock.

Visit the page Economic Importance of Emu bird for getting detailed information about the Economic value of Emu bird.

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